Turbo Planner 2001: Information On The Updated Version
Version 2001 features improvements in the following areas:
Deletion of locked entries
All locked entries are removed simultaneously, after a search has been conducted, by using
the "Planning/Locking" menu item. This is very important, for example, when you
enter an old Turbo Planner file as the basis for a new timetable
Evaluation of the schedule
All times, that can be locked, are now placed higher in the hierarchy during planning.
As a result, it is now possible to set them more effectively. The negative marks under
"Teachers", in the field for "Undesirable Lessons", now also also applicable
in respect of undesirable lessons for classes.
The courses' lessons during consecutive day
We changed the evaluation internally in such a way, that there are now higher negative
marks for shorter courses, than for courses that are taught for a larger number of hours
during the week.
The latest time, at which a lesson can start
The latest time, at which a lesson can start, which is displayed in the framework for planning,
is now only a default setting for the entry, that is made in the field under "Classes".
In this way, there is greater clarity and errors, which are caused by conflicting entries,
are avoided.
Preliminary check
The individual grades are now also checked. This check is only performed, after confirmation
has been received, since the processing takes in certain instances very long
Improved method for performing calculations
The algorithm, that is used for making calculations, is much improved. Even difficult and
complicated situations can be dealt with. One of the reasons for this improvement, is that
the schedule's structure is now initially compiled in a more complex, optimised manner.
The other reason is, that the search is conducted up to a deeper level, which makes it
easier to search for the solution to a problem
Selective calculation
You are now offered an additional option, with which you can optimise the entire schedule.
When you select this option, the entire schedule will be optimised when the programme commences
with its calculations, after an intermediate component has been compiled. When this option
is selected, all courses that have not yet been integrated are automatically included in
the intermediate component.
Deletion of teachers
If it is determined when a teacher is deleted, that lessons are still allocated to him,
it will be queried. The allocated lessons will then also be deleted.
Information about the teacher
It is now possible to state up to three decimal places for calculated lessons and compensatory
Setting for two lessons in succession
The "Mixed" setting now only covers precisely one unit, that consists of two
lessons in succession.
Entry of subjects
It is now possible, to specify in "Courses", whether a classroom or specialised
facility is required for a subject. A default setting for this selection is made beforehand,
when the courses that are taught are set up
Preferential location for individual courses
You are now offered a field for making entries, to specify a preferred location, whenever
you enter the lesson (in the list for teacher, class, links and lesson). An abbreviation
for the preferred location can be entered. Before the compilation is made, it will be checked,
whether the abbreviations for locations are correct. When locations are allotted, this
specified location will be afforded preferential treatment.
Warning during entries
An error message will be displayed, if a lesson is entered, which is not linked, if no
suitable location is available for a course. In the case of classes and teachers, a check
is made immediately, while the list of lessons is only checked after the list has been
closed. In Version 99, this was only checked in respect of linkages.
Allocation of locations during checking
While the check is being conducted, all conflicts in respect of locations, which result
from rearrangements, are resolved by assigning the affected course to a virtual location.
After the changes have been cancelled, the allocation of space will not be reconstructed.
While locations are being checked, clashes in respect of locations are also resolved, by
moving them to virtual locations. There is no hidden reallocation. Such changes should
ensure, that the allocation of locations, which results from fixed, existing components
of a schedule, will not be changed while the check is being conducted. By moving affected
parts to virtual locations, one gets a better view of which allocations must be changed.
If a schedule is rearranged extensively during checking, it will probably nevertheless
become necessary to allocate space from scratch.
Checking of locations
Links, together with the name of the linkage, are displayed in brackets in the schedules
for classes, instead of [K].
Quick Tips
The quick tips are now displayed a little later.
Selection of colours for buttons
The buttons' background colours are now much lighter. This should result in much greater
Selection of colours for lessons in a course
Both of the selected lessons for courses are now coloured differently. The current course's
colour is pale gray, while the second course's colour is dark gray.
Details of locations
Details of locations can now also be displayed in the auxiliary schedules.
Amendments, that are made semi-automatically during checking
When making amendments semi-automatically during checking, the programme also searches
for consequential corrections that become necessary, if another problem arises, after a
problem in the schedule has been solved. In Version 99 the calculation only commenced,
if an amendment had a negative effect on the schedule.
Amendments of a general nature, that are made semi-automatically
After any amendment has been made semi-automatically, evaluations of the schedule are displayed,
that depict details of the schedule before changes had been made and after changes had
been made, in addition to displaying the changes that were effected.
The mouse's right-hand button
Clicking on the mouse's right-hand button, while in links of the schedule for classes,
will enable you to jump to the next class and it will let you jump to the next teacher,
if you are in the schedule for teachers.
The protocol for making alterations
A new item was introduced in the menu ("Alteration Protocol"), which you use
to display and print the changes, which you made.
Entry of lessons
A new menu, entitled "Entry Of Lessons" was introduced, with which you retrieve
the lessons, that were entered for the classes and teachers, which have just been completed.
Furthermore, the linkage editor can be launched and the list of lessons can be retrieved.
If you wish to make changes to the entries, you can do it now much quicker than before.
List of lessons
It is now possible, to print the list of lessons immediately, after an entry has been made.
Control over separated output
Statistics, with regard to subjects and the availability of locations, can now be printed
Control over printing totals
The statistics on subjects now include totals.
Printing, in the landscape format
When templates are used during printing, you can also print on paper, in the landscape
Printout of the calculated/actual lessons
The following templates now also print teachers' calculated and actual lessons:
Arrangement of lessons: Overview of teachers/classes.
Arrangement of lessons: Overview of classes/teachers.
New templates for printing overviews
Overview: Schedules for classes/teachers, with all subjects/classes.
Overview: Schedules for classes/teachers with all subjects/classes arranged underneath
each other.
The menu item "File/Combine" makes it possible, to copy information for schedules from numerous files at the same time. In this way, it is possible to make separate entries in different places.
Version 2001 of Turbo Planner can utilise files from the older versions of the programme, without any complications.
Timetable files, that are created with Version 2001, cannot be processed by older versions
of the programme.
In the case of HE-Substitute-Planner '97, you need the current intermediate update, which
upgrades the programme to version 97b.
In the case of HERA-School Information System 99, ASS-Windows 99, Kiss-Windows 99 and HE-UV-Planer,
you must install an update for the programme.