Turbo Planner: Calculations
The TURBO PLANNER contains powerful algorithms resulting from many improvements made to them over many years. The TURBO
PLANNER performs a preliminary test, which checks partial schedules quickly for their suitability.
This preliminary check seeks incorrect default settings and informs you about the problems. It checks in advance, for conflicting default settings for individual tutorial units, or the combination of default settings for the respective tutorial units which will lead to invalid entries.
By doing this many causes of unnecessary stress can be spotted and eliminated in advance.
The actual compilation of a timetable is based on your default settings and the preferences which you entered.
The compilation is automated. Problems, which cannot be solved by the program, will be retained while the schedule is optimised, except where such overlapping occurs.
It is important to mention that courses are not removed to create artificial space in the timetable. The level of errors to incorrectly allocated tutorial units will, on average, not exceed a level of 1 percent.
A school with five grades, four classes in parallel for each grade (= 270 tutorial units) and an average of 30 weekly lessons will teach 600 hours per week. Statistically, the result will yield approximately two conflicts which clash with fixed default settings.
This has been a very good result. Statistics on the improved new version are not yet available. Our comparisons indicate that the previous version's performance will be exceeded.
We would also like to note that the TURBO PLANNER takes all fixed default settings, lack of empty tutorial periods and overlapping or obligatory fixed individual or double periods of tuition into account.
It is of course also possible to compile a timetable that is divided into as many parts as you want, such as a notice board.
The final and best optimized result can be rounded off by using the checking facility.